Gravity Kubernetes Dashboard

Gravity Cloud provides a clean, actionable and detailed overview of your current and new services.


  • Overview - View all your workloads and their states
  • Cluster - Manage your cluster details, costs and manage nodes
  • Workloads - Manage all your workloads such as pods, deployments, statefulsets, cronjobs and their states with logs
  • Pipelines - Manage your CI/CD pipelines, custom helm charts and feature/dev branches


  1. Integrate AWS EKS just by connecting your AWS account:
  2. Gravity Cloud will automatically detect your EKS cluster and start scraping it. This scraping is done by external agent so your k8s cluster does not incurr any additional resources.
  3. To enable workloads data, you need to give permissions to Gravity Cloud to access your cluster. You can do this by running the following command:
eksctl create iamidentitymapping --cluster CLUSTER_NAME --region=AWS_REGION --arn arn:aws:iam::AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/GravityCloudRole --username gravitycloud --group system:masters --no-duplicate-arns

Local Developement App

You can also download the Gravity Cloud app to run local clusters and cloud clusters with more real-time data. You can download the Linux, Mac, or Windows the app from

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